Saturday, May 29, 2010


Today was momentous occasion, the day we got our crib in! Through some sort of miracle were able to fit the ridiculously huge box in the Murano and made it home. We decided that the pile o' baby stuff in our dining room was getting out of control so we re-organized our room to make room for the baby's crib.

Yes, the baby will be sleeping in our room. Our lease isn't up until October if it's not working after a month then we can re-evaluate our living arrangements but 'til then, why waste the money?

Fortunately the crib was REALLY easy to put together, probably the easiest to assemble piece of furniture that we have ever purchased. I may even leave a review on the website, which I never do because I am so happy.

It did get a little tight in places but "daddy" was able to use his handy-man skills and figure it out and I have to say it looks fantastic.

Of course Tekoa had to jump in and "help." Here are some more pictures of Tekoa helping Kevin.

And finally the finished product. Voila it's beautiful, now we just need bedding (the kind I want isn't sold at Babies r' Us in store so I have to order!) The crib instantly became a storage location for all baby's things that currently don't have a home, so you'll have to ignore all the things in it and focus on how cute the crib is.

Ah, feels good to get one more big purchase out of the way. Oh, we also bought this adorable outfit while we were out and about.....I can't help it, they make too many adorable things for little girls.

Comes with little flap of fabric which folds over to act as mittens...awww

hat with bunny ears+ onesie with little bunny+ pants with little bunny feet=Cutest thing I have ever seen!!

I would say overall this has been an amazingly, happy, productive and tiring day for everyone. Which can only mean one thing, it was a success.

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