Monday, May 17, 2010

Bittersweet Symphony

After 6 years of being at the grind stone I finally was able to participate in graduation exercises. The feeling is amazing! I welled up with tears as the speakers referenced the great things that we will do now that we are graduates and the responsibility we have to society to now share what we have learned to make the world a better place. This is EXACTLY where I wanted to be....sort of.

Technically I am not completely done. So at 5 months (22 weeks) pregnant I embark on my last semester ever so that I can officially earn that diploma. Sure it will be hard, no one knows that better than me, but it won't be impossible. Once my little one arrives I believe for me it would be nearly impossible to finish any classes at all. So I'll keep my nose to the grindstone and enjoy this little victory and allow it to sustain me through the next few months.

I loved being able to see my family, even though we were missing Geoff.

And of course Kevin was there to support me and cheer me on.

Is he not the cutest ever!

I have a lot to be grateful for. My cup runneth over as they say and I'm looking forward to a great summer even if it does involve lots of hard work and studying.

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