Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Kylea's nearly six months old and I can't procrastinate it any longer it's time for her to start solid food. They say a picture is worth a thousand words so I'll let this series of photos do the talking.  She's eating her very first solid food, some mashed up avocados.
OH! What's this?!  Toy?!


probably a chewy toy

or maybe a squishy toy

wait.....what the?!


Still hate it SO much!

Why you do this to me!?
And just for fun here's the video we took of her first attempt at eating.  It's not the best quality but watch for her yucky faces and the shudder of disgust that she does afters swallowing her first bite.

1 comment:

  1. hahah! This is GREAT! Have you discovered how to get the avocado stains out? I keep forgetting to remove clothing prior to eating!
