I've been trying to not to say anything because I don't want to speak out of turn but..... I have some news! For a few months now Kevin and I have been looking for a new place to live. We needed at least one more bedroom and we wanted it to be in a nicer neighborhood. Our current complex is really nice but the surrounding neighborhood is really scary. Sounds easy, right?
Not right. We searched high and low and couldn't find anything that we were happy with. When we did they either didn't have availability or didn't accept pets. On one of our final runs we were both so frustrated that we drove home in silence. Who knew it would be this hard?
We have looked into purchasing a home before since the market is so depressed there are a lot of really good choices. The result has always been the same, we just couldn't really afford a house payment yet. I couldn't even tell you how the idea first struck us or how the ball originally got rolling but we realized that while we couldn't afford a house payment we can afford a mortgage payment on a condo. I'll be honest, with our first viewing of a condo I didn't like it. I had always imagined our first purchase would be the little house with the white picket fence, and this idea didn't match that dream. When we came home and discussed our options the reality was this, paying a mortgage is financially more intelligent than wasting money on rent, we could buy a condo and pay LESS monthly for something far nicer than we could rent.
Here's the news, we are in the process of our first real estate purchase!!! And here's the thing I couldn't be more excited. We are one step close to our dream house. Here's the best part, I can paint any wall any color I want, drill holes, hang pictures, change flooring, ANYTHING!!!! And when we have outgrown this space we can rent it out as an investment property or try selling it (when the economy recovers that is)
We haven't closed yet so anything can happen still, but our offer has been accepted and the underwriter has been pouring over our loan application for a few days now. We are so, so, so excited!
Here is a little video I took of the condo we made an offer on, enjoy the tour!
It's really cute, I hope you get it!