2 sicknesses
2 teeth trying to erupt
1 black eye
1 great fall
1 very allergic reaction
2 bewildered parents
Prior to this month I had just been thinking, wow we are really doing a great job. We have finally mastered a predictable schedule and life is good! Then the events of this month began to unfold, needless to say that it was a humbling month with lots of ups and downs.
At NINE months you.......
Stand all by yourself!
Are a monkey and climb everything! Mommy built a barrier with our moving boxes to try and contain you in the living room while I washed a dish and returned to this....
You had ripped off a piece of tape from a box which you were happily chewing while hanging out on TOP of a box.
your next favorite thing is crawling through and walking around the chairs on the table |
You now eat everything in sight. Long gone are the days of my picky little eater, these days I can't find anything you won't eat. Most foods you screech for more when you are finished!
Now you will only sleep on your tummy
Are far too frisky for the sling, except when you are sick.
can copy syllables back and lots of different sounds
You are learning baby sign language. You don't know any signs yet but when we practice you get really excited and flap your arms.
Press your forehead into Mommy and Daddy's face to show affection.
Have discovered your pointer finger and use it in all your explorations. Like the doggy's mouth, your books and countless other things!
You are such a cutie pie! We love that you are learning and growing every day. Here are some photos from the last month.
look you are in your car seat and smiling! |
teething on EVERYTHING. Even Daddy's shoe laces. |
hi doggy! |
bouncing around in your crib while mommy makes her bed. |
eating avocado like it's going out of style! |
You LOVE swimming! when you see your suit you start to flap your arms and screech with excitement. |
chilly summer morning walk. You LOVE our walks! |
First encounter with grass |
Of course you tried eating it |
pig tails |
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