Here at casa de Hart we take baby naming very seriously. From the first pregnancy I knew it wouldn't be easy. Kevin doesn't like popular names. If it's in the top 100 most popular names it's out of the question. I like the names to have a profound meaning. Perhaps that stems from my childhood disappointment upon learning that my name means, "small." Access to name meanings wasn't what it is now 29 years ago though!
Both the girl's names are Irish. This is a nod to their ancestry on their Dad's side and a playful nod toward the fact that he is a die-hard Notre Dame Irish football fan..... if he has his way at least one of our children will be a Notre Dame graduate.
We are proud to announce the birth of
Quin Teancum Hart
Quin is a solid Irish name which means Wise.
In a world that's increasingly confused we hope you use wisdom to assess the world and the options available to you. Seek knowledge and use it with wisdom to bless the lives of others.
Teancum (Tee-ain-cum) Is Kevin's personal scripture hero and he loves the name. I think before we were even married he mentioned that if we had a son he would like to name him Teancum. I wasn't sure. I said maybe we could name a dog Teancum. Years passed and I forgot all about this until he brought it up again during a baby naming discussion. I rejected it immediately. But the name just wouldn't leave me alone. I polled some friends and asked for their honest opinions. I received mixed reviews but surprisingly more people loved it than I thought would. I began to think about the relationship between fathers and their sons. Father's are their sons first super heroes. Naming our son after his father's favorite scripture hero could be a powerful reminder of the type of man that his Dad is. A loving Father, a righteous priesthood holder, a good man.
Teancum himself was a courageous military leader and righteous man during Book of Mormon times. He's described as a freedom fighter and a man possessing honor, courage, strength and discipline.
"Every time you stare into the face of a newborn baby you have to wonder. Who are you? And, what will you become
Quin, we love you. We hope you take wisdom, courage, honor, strength and discipline with you everyday of your life and remember that you are our son and more importantly, a divine son of God.
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