Life with Kylea Lately:
Is a musical. She musically narrates everything we do. Today during breakfast she danced around my legs singing, "Mommy make da eggy! Foodies, foodies for Ky-ky!" over and over again.
Is adventurous. She's curious and quick to learn and repeat anything she sees or hears. "What that?!" is a common question around here.
Is proper.....sort of. She's very polite, whenever she toots she quickly follows it with a gasp and says, "Sorry, poo-poo!" I have no idea where she got that from. It's a Kylea original!
Is filled with preschool shows. We watch Dora, Diego, WonderPets and Sesame street. My favorite is her impression of Swiper the Fox from Dora. She swings her arm just like Swiper and declares, "Ohhhh man!" whenever things don't go her way.
Is a dance party. She LOVES to dance and whenever a chance arrives she excitedly shouts, "Shake your booty!" and grabs our hands to have us join her in dance party. Dance parties aren't resevered for just times when we play music. They occur during musical selections of any tv show, movie or commercial, department store, convenience store.... anywhere!
Is full of love. She gives great hugs and kisses and is becoming very clear who she is attached to. Tekoa has had to visit the vet a few times the last couple months because of an injured paw, every time we had to wait while he went back to the exam room her little eyes filled with tears, her lip quivers and she heartbrokenly cries out for her, "woo-woo" It's such a heartbreaking performance she won a "backstage pass" to the medical room in the veterinary office, where she got to meet the vet's personal dog, and all the vet techs and observe Tekoa's procedure, a very special privilege indeed.
Is a fashion show. She only leaves the house in what SHE thinks is most fashionable. Today's ensemble was a tutu worn over her regular clothes, her fancy church coat and pink cowboy boots. Who can deny her when she declares herself to be a "beautiful princess!"
She adores strawberries and single handedly polished off an entire box of them in just a couple short days. She very politely requests, "strawbs pwease" for every snack and meal whenever they are in the house.
Is chatty. She LOVES to have good conversations and eats up moments when I sit on her level and stare directly into her face she excitedly chatters about horses and dragons and princesses and monkeys and babies and all her favorite things.
Is empathetic. She is always the first little kid in play group to ask, "you ok?!" When someone falls over or begins to cry.
Is cold-a-phobic. She must be my daughter or something.....she does NOT like to be cold. She loves the idea of snow and begs to go play, but the second she starts to feel a little cold she howls and whimpers until we retreat back indoors and warm her up. This generally takes only minutes before it occurs. She fought me at the beginning of winter every time I asked her to put on a coat now she quickly complies all the while saying, "brrrr, cold!"
Is a water game. Every shower that is started in this house inevitably is joined by a certain water-loving two year old. She can get nakey in a flash, it's kind of amazing actually.
Is one giant game of tag. Kylea LOVES to get a good game of tag going. She will bait one parent into chasing her, then run to the arms of the other parent laughing and giggling the whole way.
In a word, life with Kylea lately is a
We are so lucky she's ours.
She is so sweet :) I laughed about the shower. We have one of those too. Ava will take over any shower or bath that happens.