"NOOOOOOOO!" she shrieked. Every fiber of her tiny being was flexed and quivering. Even the "O" came out wavering and labored. I stood and watched my child, wide eyed. I was not angry, not frustrated, but completely bewildered!
Thoughts raced through my mind. What should I do? A time-out? Surely something must be done, this behavior is unacceptable. Thankfully through befuddlement came that calm clear voice of inspiration I have come to trust, "she needs a hug"
A hug? really? It's worth a try. I knelt down and scooped her up in my arms. She pushed away with both tiny arms for just a moment then laid her head down on my shoulder and sobbed. I could hear myself saying, "It's been a frustrating day for you hasn't it? All these things just make you, mad, mad, mad! I love you very, very much" Her sobs subsided and she looked into my face with little tear stained cheeks and smiled, as if to say, "thanks mom, I'm glad you understand."
We've turned a corner. I still call her my baby, she will always be my baby, but she has become a toddler. She's bright and curious and active.
You might be a toddler mom if,
While using the restroom you can see two little hands wriggling under the door and the little giggle on the other side.
You see this, when you open your dishwasher.
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mama's little helper was hard at work |
You have read the same children's book 473 million times, in one day.
At night, the song running through your head as you fall asleep is, "The itsy bitsy spider" or "baby beluga"
If cleaning takes on a new aerobic quality. If you want to see floor when you are finished, all cleaning and tidying must be done at the speed of light times two..... or faster.
If your favorite time of day is nap time.
If snuggles are harder to come by, but still so sweet.
If you spend a significant portion of your day preparing snacks and meals that go largely untouched.
Sure it has it's challenges, but I've found it to be more rewarding than ever. She is expressive, curious and cuter than ever. She gasps, points and asks, "what that?!" when she sees something she loves or is new. She loves to get my attention and babble stories. She has a highly developed sense of humor. She's a funny little girl, we just love her to pieces!
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