Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Day in the City

Kevin had another interview at Goldman Sachs downtown yesterday (cross your fingers for him!) So Kylea and I decided to tag along and spend some time in the city.  I contemplated several destinations but ultimately decided that the best place for us to visit would be the Discovery Gateway Children's Museum again. 

Round two was so much fun!  Kylea was able to play with most of the exhibits this time and she spent the full two hours running and checking out EVERYTHING.

It was hard to get a good photo because she was so active but here is what I was able to capture

The water exhibit was by far her favorite.  She would have played there the entire time!

I made her check out another exhibit and she just stood there like she was disappointed that there wasn't any water to play with.

so I let her go back for more water play. This time with an apron.

an apron which was comically large on her.

She found this infant rocker in a corner designated for nursing mothers.

inside the tree house

ping pong ball maze.....she liked sticking them in the tube maze but she LOVED hoarding the ping pong balls all to herself.  She spent a good chunk of time trying to gather as many ping pong balls as she could.  Even bravely walking up to an older child pointing to the ping pong ball he was holding and saying, "Please?!"  (it sounds so polite in the telling of it, but really it was done in such a bossy way I couldn't help but laugh.)

Can't get enough of this water!

She spent the drive back home excitedly chattering and munching on her rice cakes. I like to think she was telling her daddy all about the awesome adventure that she just had.    

(just before walking the dog today.  The piggy tails just kill me.)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Ham Bone is Connected to the Cute Bone

Cuteness abounded this morning and the camera had to come out and document it.

I got on my tummy to take a photo of Kylea doing the splits and reading a book.  She's already a multi-tasker.

When she saw me, she ran over and jumped on my back and started hamming it up for the camera.

She is such a little ham.  There is so much personality packed into a little package... she gets it from her dad.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Grow UP

When did it happen?  When did I start showing signs of being old?  Just a few days ago I had to smile and nod when  pop culture reference came up and then hurry home and google it just to find out what in the world they were talking about. I used to be the popular culture guru.  I could tell you who was dating who, what was cool and why, what was hot and what was not.  Now, in addition to being stumped by popular culture trivia, some of the latest fashions just look weird to me.  I can't say I was always the most fashionable dresser (we never had money for that stuff growing up) but I always knew what was fashionable and longed to be able to wear it.  And even though it really isn't old, I'm turning 26 in a month.

this is cool now?  Really? I would rather be forced into public in my dirty pajamas than any one of these outfits...unless I was attending a costume party (image credit)
Even though the deck is stacked against me; I'm a mother, people call me ma'am, we own our own home, I've graduated college, my knees creek and crackle, and my husband is in his 30's, I still just don't feel... old.  I look in the mirror and see a somewhat older face.  It's still young, but it's lost it's teenage look and is taking on a more stately adult like image.

image credit
I remember dreaming of the things I would do when I grew up and now here I am, all grown up. Or am I?  I still giggle when someone farts.  I'm still afraid of spiders and mascots and even occasionally the dark. There's nothing I like more than a good frolick outdoors and I still have a mile long list of things I want to accomplish, "when I grow up." I've noticed that the people who used to enjoy those things with me are no longer interested, and it makes me sad.

When does it happen?  When do you lose interest in playing in the mud? Or sledding? Or Santa? Or butterflies?  I hope the day never comes.  I hope that the sunsets never cease to take my breath away.  I hope that the stars always make me contemplate the universe in it's infinite wonder. I hope that I never lose hope in the good of human kind.  I hope that puppies with their sloppy tongues and prickly teeth always elicit a squeal of glee from me.  I hope that I never really grow up.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Resolutions 2012

This is going to be a great year.  I can feel it!  Last year I resolved to slow down and enjoy all the little moments just a little bit more.  I'm so glad that I did!  It was the first year of my little girl's life and it was very helpful to be reminded in those sleep deprived, discouraged days that these moments though frustrating and difficult are gems in the story of our life as a family.  I'm glad I took moments to drink in the peace of those midnight nursing sessions, to kiss the tiny toes of my little girl during diaper changes etc.  I'm glad, because those moments are gone.  Replaced by a much bigger girl.

That curious, active little girl has brought a new energy into my year.  My Resolutions list is at least 100 feet long.  I have SO much that I want to accomplish this year.  I have narrowed it down to just a couple global goals with smaller goals that will help me accomplish them.

  •  I want to be more organized
    • set better schedules with Kylea that include learning and socialization activities.  I think I did ok at this last year, as Kylea is smart as a whip and ahead of the intellectual curve for her age. (not sure if credit is really due to me but I'm takin' it anyway!) But I want to do better.
    • set house keeping schedules so that chores and dinners don't get the best of me. (I think Kevin might have a nervous breakdown if he has to eat pancakes again.)
    • Plan ahead for holidays.  Time to start setting traditions and celebrating!
  • I want to be more spiritually connected
    • Put more effort into my church calling.  Not that I don't try. It just gets shoved to the back burner more often than not.
    • Make visit teaching a priority
    • Make DAILY scripture reading (feasting) and prayer a priority.
    • Search for opportunities to serve others.
  • I want to recover my athletic abilities.
    • run a race this year. How about this one, it seems fun!
    • train for race by running at least 3 times a week
    • strengthen core.
    • eat more organically
I have at least a million more items that I am going to try to work on but these are the creme de la creme.  These are the ones I want to keep pursuing past January 15th. 

Here's to a bright new year filled with hope and endless opportunities.