Tuesday, October 18, 2011


She's a toddler. Through and through.

She explores everything

walks and runs like an old pro

Is acquiring new words every day.  Today she added the words dog and baby to her vocabulary.

She likes to practice her new words while she should be sleeping.  She woke up at 3am sat up in her crib and said, "no, nooo, no!........bye, bye!" her two favorites.  When she was done practicing she stood up looked across the room and said, "MaaaMaaa"

She has become extremely expressive.  We are well acquainted with this face.  I like to call it her business face.

She knows baby sign language.

She loves drawers and cupboards.

She has become accustomed to her schedule and holds me to it!  She walks to her potty when she wakes up in the morning. She runs to get the dog's leash after breakfast, holds her arms up and asks to nurse when it's nap time and runs to the bathroom after dinner gleefully shouting, "Baaa!  Baa!" (bath)

Books are her favorite toys ever.  She grabs a book and then backs up into the lap of anyone who will sit down with her....including the dog.

She knows pigs say oink, owls say whoo, and dogs say wooo.  Ask her, she'll gladly demonstrate her skills and then clap for herself afterward.  

She knows how to nuzzle her way into our hearts.

1 comment:

  1. too cute :) What fond memories this post will be in a few more months, they grow SO fast
