These days, adventure is her middle name.
Exploring the laundry while Mommy folds.
Eats meals in her diaper because she gets MESSY while exploring eating her food.
Except when she's stealing Mommy's smoothie then she's all business. She nearly devoured the entire thing!
Made her very first favorite stuffed animal. His name is Pierre and Kylea LOVES wrestling him and biting his beak.
Shopping and found Pierre

She has the most infectious laugh ever. I defy you not to smile when she bursts out into one of her signature belly laughs.
Sleeps in a big girl bed because she can crawl out of her crib now.
which means mommy finds her playing with her toys when she should be napping.
Anytime she can get wet is the best time of day in her opinion.
Has 3 teeth now.
Loves the doggy like a brother. A big fluffy pillow brother who lets her steal all his toys and pull on his ears and tail.
But daddy makes the best pillow of all.
She walks all over the place now. It's still odd to see my baby come walking out her bedroom on her own two feet.
Those feet have led her to find lots of drawers and spaces previously unattainable. Like the diaper drawer.
Has always been fascinated with the washer and dryer but now she can really get close enough to see what is going on.
This is how we drink water
This is how we wear our sippy cup as a hat.
riding the train with daddy
We LOVE you Kylea Grace!
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