Last night I went over to a friend's house to try my hand at making bows for baby girls. You know the adorable little headbands that you see infants wearing, apparently people make bows to match specific outfits that they have bought for their little ones....imagine that!
Before I explain how the bow making went I need to share a story of little Paula. When I was still a little elementary schooler the school required us to take time once a week to go to art class. Yes children, there was once a day when public schools funded the arts! Well, we had several projects that we were supposed to make over the semester and I would eagerly dive into each one and would anxiously work envisioning the masterpiece I would create. The problem was, when I nearly finished the projects every time they looked AWEFUL, I would stare down at the mess I had created, decide that it would not get an "A" and then I would start over again. It got so ridiculous that before long I was WAY behind the other kids and my poor art teacher had to take me aside and explain to me that I since I had turned in no projects I currently had an "F" in art. Even as an elementary schooler I was an overachiever, so hearing I had an "F" in art was the WORST news ever. So to catch up I spent several recesses inside finishing art projects, boiling about how stupid art was.
Fast forward to now, to a group of young mothers and "mothers to be" all gathered together to make bows for their daughters or daughters on the way. The good news is I made a couple pretty cute little bows which I'm super excited to have my baby wear when she arrives. The bad news is, everyone else was able to finish at least 17 in the time it took me to make those two, and theirs were much more elaborate. But, older and wiser Paula knows that you can't compare yourself to others so I remain very pleased with my accomplishment.
See, pretty cute right?
This one I can't claim because someone else made it for me, but I got to take it home
The good thing is that I didn't leave this art project feeling like I hate crafts and art with a passion, I want to make some more! And, it sparked a desire to go shopping for cute little outfits that I can make bows for now. So my plan is the next free moment I get to head over to Joann Fabric to buy the other necessary materials like a glue gun and alligator clips and get to work crafting. I'm still not Holly Homemaker but it was good to see another side to myself and discover a domestic hobby I can really get in to.
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