How is it that one little word can have such a dramatic impact on our lives? Think how it feels to be told you are loved. There's one word that can change your life forever, the word "pregnant." After lots of planning and talking we decided in August that we would "take out the goalie" so to speak and let nature increase our family.
Month after month when I thought I had waited long enough for nature's sign that there is no baby a brewing I would grow restless and impatient and I would rush to the store to purchase pregnancy tests, speed home, take them immediately and then stand in the bathroom waiting on pins and needles for the response. The whole time thinking, "am I REALLY ready for this?" Only to be somewhat relieved to see that for at least one more month I was "not pregnant."
By February I had become so bored with my regular routine that I took the test and left it on the counter for a good half hour before nonchalantly returning to see my results. Much to my amazement the little test read, "pregnant." I blinked, blinked again, rubbed my eyes and stared. The shock of the moment finally struck me and a few tears squeezed out. Not knowing whether to believe it, I took the second test in the box waited on pins and needles for the result of "pregnant" to show up once again. The little video above was my way of announcing to Kevin that we were on the journey to parenthood. He watched it, smiled (I thought I even saw a tear glisten in his eye) and said, "well I guess we'll have to start budgeting a lot better."
Doctors, and the constant nauseating ache in my stomach, confirm that there is a little human growing in there. Actually, the fact that I'm pregnant explains a lot. I spent the better part of our cruise either thinking I was sea sick or havinga reaction to the food. I guess I will have to try escargot another when I am not pregnant. It also explains why the very sight of chicken noodle soup (usually my favorite) makes me want to lose my lunch on the spot and various other changes. Little baby, you're a trouble maker for me already!
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