Sunday, January 6, 2019

Mommy's Promise

Dearest Baby Girl, 

Years ago, when I first became a mother, I wrote a love note to my baby, your oldest sister!  With each child since then, I’ve read them the note.  With each of your siblings I waited until right about now, right to the very end when we are just about to meet.  Right now, my belly is as about as big as a house and we are just waiting, for your birthday.  The day that you decide is the right day for you to emerge from your cozy home and into the world!  Today I read the words that I so lovingly titled “Mommy’s Promise” all those years ago.  

But here’s the thing, sweet girl.  The woman who is waiting to receive you into her arms is a different creature than the one that wrote that promise 8 years ago.  The woman 8 years ago had never been a Mommy before.  She felt all the love and anticipation that every woman feels when waiting to greet a new baby, but lacked the experience to really KNOW what was in store for her.  

The woman 8 years ago promised her baby that she would always listen, that she would always respond with love and that she would always do right by her sweet, little baby. I meant every single word when I wrote it back then. 

Your Mommy, my little flower, has been schooled by experience and is much wiser.  Your Mommy knows that she’s just human.  Your Mommy knows that she can’t possibly I've up to such promises, no matter how much I WISH that I could!   

Mommy’s Promise

For the last 9 months we’ve grown together.  I’ve planned the future and made a place for you in our hearts and in our home.  I want you to know the great joy and anticipation that you have blessed this home with.  Now the clothes are washed, the bags are packed, the bassinet is perched in it’s cozy spot right next to my side of the bed, and our hearts are ready to receive you.  

Before you get here, I want to promise you some things.  My precious baby girl, I promise that I will mess up.  Sometimes I’ll say the wrong thing.  Sometimes I’ll make mistakes.  Sometimes you will too.  Here’s what your Mama understands better now than ever.  It’s ok to not be perfect.  Heavenly Father knew we wouldn’t be perfect and that is why He sent his Son.  That is why He let his Only Begotten in the flesh descend below everything and be martyred on the cross. We can be forgiven.  We can move forward.  We can keep trying every single day to be more like our Savior.  We can grow more perfect every day.  

I promise to teach you about your Heavenly parents.  I promise to show you the path that your Savior walked and I promise to always be your champion on that path.  I promise to learn about you, and strive to understand how to help you achieve all that you are capable of and all that you feel called to do.  Most of all, my dearest baby girl, I promise that I will love you. I will love you in the fierce and undying way that only a Mother can.  I will love you when you’re sick.  I will love you when you’re grumpy.  I will love you when you’re angry.  I will love you when you’re happy.  I will love you forever and always through everything.  

All My Love,
