All birth is miraculous, special and life changing. Bringing life into the world is no light matter. But what happens when you peel back all the layers and medical interventions and let it just be birth as God intended it to be? The answer? The most miraculous, empowering and magnificent experience you could possibly have.
Neila's story began on a cold March morning March 22, 2013. I woke up and had a sixth sense impression that baby was making her way into the world. It was like I could feel the dilating. We got up took care of Kylea and then decided to vacuum the carpet hoping that it would speed things along. It did! The birth plug came out and contractions set in at about every ten minutes. I called Kevin and asked him to come home in case things got serious.
All day I was filled with a ton of anxious-excited nesting energy. I went to Walmart and picked up all of our Easter supplies came home took a nap with Kylea and then went back out to Target to pick up a few organizational and decorative items for baby's room. I tidied and organized, cuddled and played with Kylea all evening long.
At about 8:30 I started to feel a little tired and stressed so I put on my hypnobirthing affirmations and birth music and brought myself back to a calm state. Contractions were still at 10 minute intervals and growing in pressure but with a little relaxation and breathing not painful.
At 9:00 we laid down with Kylea to read her scriptures, say a prayer and put her to bed. The second I crawled into bed, my water broke. This is when things started to really pick up.
Kevin called the midwife who told us that for the first time ever she had another Mom at the center who had JUST given birth. She told us to keep her posted. We decided to just hang out for a bit and finish with Kylea's bedtime routine. As I lay snuggled up next to Kylea the frequency of the contractions seemed to increase (though I wasn't timing them) and I knew we should head out soon unless I wanted to deliver a baby in the van.
We grabbed our bags, left some probably over detailed information for my in-laws who were staying with us and would be watching Kylea.
We live in Eagle Mountain, which 35-40 minutes away from the birthing center. It was 10:30 at night and a light snow was falling. Kevin and I chatted and laughed and took little breaks for me to relax and breath through a contraction which were now coming at 5 minute intervals.
When we got to the birth center, our midwife Rebecca asked Kevin if I was this calm last time I birthed, she was surprised to hear that I was in active labor and still calm and smiling. All the midwife could offer us was her (rather comfy) waiting room since the couple who had just birthed were still being checked out. We turned on Harry Potter and snuggled up on the couch together. Kevin rubbed my back and we relaxed.
(photo from great expectations birthing suite site) |
Rebecca started an IV (because I tested positive for strep b) towards the end of the drip I started transitioning. Everything got REALLY hot I suddenly couldn't sit still anymore. This is where Kevin deserves the golden star award for best and most supportive husband he rubbed my back, held me, reminded me to breath and was my rock of support and kept me level headed. Meanwhile Rebecca and her daughter RAN through the office quickly cleaning and preparing the tub so that I could get in.
(photo from great expectations birthing suite site) |
When the tub was ready I practically dove in.....sweet relief! I could just float and focus on pushing my baby down. Kevin knelt by my head gently speaking encouragement and stroking my head. I was tuned in, I could feel her wiggling her way down with each contraction I breathed out. I probably could have pushed her out in a single heave but we wanted the birth to be gentle on me too so we practiced controlled breathing during contractions (NOT pushing) Finally she emerged and with an artful summersault by our skilled midwife, Rebecca she was freed from the cord that was wrapped around her little neck and in my arms.
scooping her out of her watery environment |
She stared with wide open eyes and blinked so lucid and curious her cord was allowed to pulse and support her while she struggled through her first breaths.
I don't think there's anything more spiritual than staring into the face of your newborn child for the first time. This time, in addition to the wonder of taking in all of her beauty I was filled with an amazing sense of power, fulfillment and family bonding. I felt closer than ever to Kevin, how could I have made it through this journey as peacefully as I did without him? And our baby, I got to travel deep inside myself and truly experience her journey into the world. I didn't stare awkwardly into the face of strangers while wondering if my "pushing face" looked weird. I was totally present and focused on the end prize the entire time. We made the journey together, all of us.
We spent the next couple hours snuggling and nursing. Rebecca brought us cinnamon rolls to celebrate the birth of our beautiful baby girl. When enough time to bond in a relaxed way had passed we took measurements.
She's 7lbs 6oz!
19 and 1/4 inches
and passed her first exam with flying colors
Then we got dressed and ready to settle into bed. A REAL bed with room for Kevin to sleep too.
(photo from great expectations birthing suite site) |
The next morning we woke up to a delicious meal of huckleberry pancakes, bacon and eggs and juice prepared by Rebecca. Neila settled into the boppy and hung out while we enjoyed our breakfast in bed.
I feel so blessed to have been able to bring this sweet little life into the world in such a peaceful calm and empowering environment.
The magic continued when we got to introduce our little Neila to her big sister Kylea. Kylea has claimed her as her own and wants to be wherever baby is. We love our new addition!