Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Expiration Date

We are SOOO excited to finally be able to announce....

We're having another baby!!!!  Hart baby two is expected to arrive March 23, 2013. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Photos Worth 10,000 Words

***i found this gem in the archives. How did I not post this? Neilas pregnancy story***

We have news.  BIG news.   Exciting news.   Scary news.  Life-changing, world altering news.  Are you ready?  Have you guessed it already?

YES!!!!  Hart baby #2 is on it's way.  We were told it couldn't happen to us, not right now.  So we are surprised, elated but surprised.

I knew it might be so because I just felt different.  I could barely peel my eyes open in the morning, even after plenty of sleep.  My nose morphed into a super human super-powered sniffer capable of detecting a pee-pee in Kylea's diaper just moments after they occur. The super-powered sniffer sent me on a cleaning binge the likes of which my home hasn't seen in ages.  Kylea whined, "Playyy?? Owside??? Toy???"  but nothing could deter me from trying to eliminate ALL of the offending odors I could trace.....which were many.  The final clue was the inexplicable feeling of nausea. I remembered it from when I was pregnant with kylea. 

I told kevin my suspicion asked him to get me a test. He was doubtful because he had just been told by a doctor that due to some health problems we would probably experience some short term infertility. 

But this baby was meant to be ours! It's on the way! Due March 23, 2013!

The Good Life

There has been a  very long lag since I posted last.  This isn't because there is nothing going on.   On the contrary, there is LOTS going on!  So much that when Kylea's naptime rolls around  I fall in a heap on my own bed and snooze until she wakes and then I drag myself out of bed, give myself a quick 10 second pep talk and then go back to business.

The other reason I haven't written in a while is.....frustration.  You may have noticed that my blog looks weird lately.  Well, thanks to some dishonest thieves who stole my (brand new) cell phone I had to cancel my e-mail account.  That e-mail account was linked to my blog and while I was able to switch blog administrators and keep all my entries (thanks heavens!!!)  all of my pictures are now replaced with black squares.  I'm very glad I got to keep the writing but I am pretty upset to have lost the photos that went with them.  From now on, I think I need to create a hard copy of my blogs, maybe I'll make it an annual thing.  This is how I journal, I don't want to lose everything because of some weird internet glitch again.  I am grateful I figured out how to save my writings. I was completely ill over the idea of losing the journals I kept during my pregnancy and Kylea's first years of life.  Thank goodness it didn't come to that!

Now on to the important stuff, this cute little girl!  Kylea has blossomed into the most curious, funny and beautiful little toddler there ever was (although, I admit i'm biased)  She sings her ABC's all the way up to "G" and then throws in random letters as she finishes up the tune but makes sure to always end with a boisterous "me!!!" with her arms flung wide.  

She sings and sings all day long her favorites are "baby bumblebee" and "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" but she'll settle for making up her own tunes while she skips and dances around the house on her tippy toes.

She has a deep appreciation and love for all animals but her favorite by far are horses.  We have the privilege of living out in a somewhat rural area where horses are abundant and she never fails to notice them.  She loves her big fuzzy brother Tekoa and can often be found nuzzling her face in his thick fur and rubbing her hands over his belly (which he loves).  We recently took a trip to attend a funeral in Montana and the family we stayed with had 3 cats.  Kylea spent the ENTIRE time playing with the cats.  She went to their toy basket and picked out different ropes and toys to play lure them into playing with her.  I was very impressed by her natural gentleness with them.  She's such an active child it's refreshing to see her gentleness come through.  

I haven't forced her to do so but Kylea is a girly-girl through and through.  Most days I can only get her dressed if I let her select her very own "princess clothes" usually a dress or outfit with a princess or animal character on it.  And she now religiously brushes her teeth now that she has a princess toothbrush and my little pony toothpaste. 

And last but certainly not least, she has developed a wonderful sense of humor.  She very much enjoys making people laugh and has several fool-proof acts that she puts on to get a smile.  Lately she pretends to walk like an old lady usually using a pen or other small toy as a cane.  It's pretty hysterical to see an (almost) 2 year old hobbling around with one hand on her back bent over with her little cane.  She laughs easily and loud in her infectious way.  She's very friendly, smiling and waving at strangers wherever we go....though she does become more reserved if they get too close, and buries her head in my shoulder.

I LOVE this age.  Sure, somedays it's a little like living with a blender without a lid but the messes and occasional tantrums are overruled by that cute little toddler run, bright smile and the way she looks at her daddy and I with pure love.

Yes, this is the good life.