Thursday, February 9, 2012

Talking Baby

Have you missed us? Remember when I wrote about Kylea's first stomach bug? Well, we have been sick, sick, sick and more sick since then.  We've had a stomach virus, a regular cold, RSV, and Kylea's first ear infection. The good news is, everyone is feeling much better now but it has been a long month.

It feels like the changes happen so quickly.  Kylea is now talking.  She can only put a couple words together at a time but it's still very exciting!  She is acquiring new words at lightning speeds.  She parrots back new words every day.  

She can say, "bye, bye dadda" or if we are leaving the dog behind she says "bye, bye, woo-woo" she can say "hi"  she points to things and asks, "What that?" She can ask for "more", milk, shoes, and to read a book.  She loves to point out all the babies and says, "baby".  She will say "thank-you" if you give her something.  She's great at saying No and Yes. She recently added the words, Nana and Papa to her ever growing vocabulary. And much more!  

I say it at every age, but this is by far my most favorite age.  She gasps and runs to the door when her daddy comes home.  She gives the best hugs and kisses.  She can point to her nose and eyes and mouth.  She knows the sounds that all the animals make. She is curious about the world and points and babbles.  She has the brightest and most beautiful smile in the whole world and the best part is she uses it often.  She sings when music comes on and dances. It's so fun watching her learn and grow.

She's getting really good at climbing.  I left to grab her a shirt for the day and came back to find her standing on the chair...yikes!

She puts her puzzles together all by herself now.

I wanna go outside mama!

She LOVES the snow.

She found a comfy chair.

She is in LOVE with this unicorn. She says "niegh!" and gives it kisses.

cutie pie

Putting her puzzle of the states together.