Thursday, December 27, 2012

Videos from Christmas 2012

If you get these by e-mail you will probably have to click this link here to watch them.

This first one, is Kylea on Christmas Eve with her gingerbread house.

This next one, is Kylea's reaction to Christmas morning.  I probably should have added subtitles because it's hard to hear what she is saying (she was still a little sleepy but VERY excited).  

Christmas Break 2012

Christmas with a toddler is MAGIC!  Seriously, so much fun talking about Santa and his reindeer and more importantly baby Jesus and Mary and Joseph....I'm pretty sure she was more interested in the sheep that are inevitably present in the story but, it's progress none the less!

This picture is purely for my vanity.  I spent most of Christmas baking and wrapping and playing with Kylea and it SHOWS in the photos....I look terrible.   So here is me looking not so terrible. There.

 Kevin was able to take off 2 weeks this year!  We have really enjoyed having him home to participate in our adventures and Kylea has REALLY loved it, Daddy is a good sport.   Here he is as a human table.  Every time she added something new to his back, Kylea would cackle and say, "I did it!"

We stopped by hangtime sports in Lehi which I HIGHLY recommend to anyone and everyone.  It's basically a room filled with trampolines and obstacles for kids to run, climb and jump on.  Kylea had a BLAST!'s only $4 for 30 min. which was plenty for our 2 year old.

 Happy girl in the foam pit

 After we were done jumping around we wandered around the rest of the sports complex and Kylea and Daddy shot some hoops together.

 Watching football with Daddy and eating a cookie.

 Watching The Grinch with Daddy and eating popcorn.

On Christmas Eve we made our own pizza and Kylea decorated (aka gobbled it up as fast as she could) a gingerbread house.

 Then, we opened a couple Christmas Eve presents...

 she was hilarious when she opened this one up.  She gasped loudly and exclaimed, "A MOOMIE (movie) for Ky-Ky!!!!"

She also go to open a book which she carefully flipped through before tossing it aside and requesting we watch her new movie.

Christmas morning started off bright and early.  We were up by 5:45 and in the kitchen making our traditional Christmas breakfast of tea roll!

Kylea was big enough this year that she could help which she LOVED.

She helped roll the balls of dough.

 And then plopped them in the pan.

But her specialty is taste tester.  She declared raw biscuit dough to be, "delicious!"

She could barely wait for prayer to be over so she could eat some tea roll!

   Then of course presents!!!

 This had to be her favorite present of all....
 a tea set!

After the tea set she was done unwrapping presents (though she still had a few left) and wanted to sit at her new table and play tea party....or as she calls it, "soup!"

ND national championship shirt!  Let's go Irish!!

We played tea party for the rest of the day.

GG always send the prettiest clothes.  This outfit was by far Kylea's favorite, she calls it princess dress and it makes her feel VERY princessey and beautiful.  She decided her toes weren't princessey enough so she pestered Daddy to paint them until he did.  She spent the next little while dancing circles in the living room while singing an improvised princess song.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Making a Mark on the World

***Warning- this post contains loads and loads of rambling, sappiness.  Proceed at your own risk**

I'm battling a bad attitude today.  Kylea was up from 12am-4am.  What's that you say?  Boo-hoo?  Kids have bad nights? Yes they do.  This has been ongoing though for the last month she's been waking up for large chunks of time during the night, every single night.  It's because she's been sick, sick, sick.  Times like these I want to go back in time and smack that 20 something I-know-everything-because-I-lack-life-experience-to-know-I-don't-know-anything, me in the face for saying things like, "Sorry, but stay-at-home Mom isn't work at all." Oh really, know-it-all?  You think you are SO busy, don't you?  You think you know what it's like to be tired?  You think you know what it's like to be frustrated?  In time you will see, these experiences are just a tip of the iceberg of what's to come.

I'm tired, and losing my normal long suffering patience. All I can think is, poor me.  I'm pregnant and SO tired and feeling chunky and there's laundry to fold and the kid is cranky and the bills are calling, blah, blah, blah.

Life, it can really get you down sometimes!  There's only one cure for a bad attitude, and it's gratitude!  So while Kylea naps (hopefully for a while longer) I'm just going to sit here and banish all the negativity that's engulfing me.  With a little reflection on why my life is so great.

I'm grateful I get to be a Mommy.  I didn't think I wanted to be a parent.  I saw tears and boogers and weekends spent at home and mom-jeans and thought, nope that's not for me.  So I went to college to become a physical therapist and make lots and lots of money and maybe work in scientific research and development.  I wanted to do something important, I wanted to make my mark on the world.

Then I met this man.  This handsome, funny, charming man and it wasn't long before I couldn't picture living a single day of my life without him.  He must have felt the same because one day (right around this time of year) he got down on his knee with a bouquet of my favorite flowers and my favorite temple with the MOST gorgeous ring and asked me to be his for time and all eternity.

A beautiful dress and even more beautiful wedding occurred.  We spent a couple of years helping each other through college, becoming experts at mario kart wii, making friends, making memories and growing in our relationship.

Then along came a baby.  She brought more joy, love, pride and challenge than we had ever known.  For me, it meant a major shift in career as I switched from "professional-woman-in-the-making" to Mommy.  It meant battling a truckload of emotions I never knew I could experience.  Some of them were better than ever, lots were harder than I ever imagined.

I LOVE being a Mommy.  I never knew I would love it so much.  I LOVE being a stay-at-home-mom.  I love being there for every smile, every giggle, every milestone.  I also love that I get to be there for every temper tantrum, runny nose, upset tummy, long night and meltdown that comes along.  In fact, when I really think about it, I'm most glad for those not so nice moments.  Those are the times where creativity comes in.  That is where I problem solve.  That is where I get to step outside of my emotional reaction to things and say, "I'm raising a human being what can I do to make her a good one?"  It's the challenging days that make me a more compassionate, loving and patient human being.  It's the challenging moments that I get to show my little one that I love her and support her through whatever she is going through.

Sometimes that means sitting in the quiet dark for HOURS in the middle of the night for many consecutive nights while she sniffles and coughs and babbles about horses and princesses and stars and Santa and baby Jesus and holding her when she cries out.  It means stroking her hair 'til her labored breathing turns to tiny snores and I can finally crumple in a heap until she wakes and we do the whole thing all over again.

All I ever wanted was to make my mark on the world.  All I ever wanted was to make a difference.  Now I know that THIS is my way.  No one will ever read about my scientific discovery in a text but my contribution IS important.  This child is my mark on the world.  If I can raise my children in love and firm testimony of their Savior Jesus Christ then I AM important.  My influence can last generations.  I always thought motherhood wasn't important enough for me, and now I realize it's importance and hope that I am up to the task.  I'm grateful that I've educated myself spiritually and secularly and eternally grateful that I can draw on that education to help me navigate the choppy waters of parenthood.  I'm grateful that I chose such a wonderful loving man to be my companion through this journey.  He's my best friend.

Motherhood is hard.  It's the hardest job I've ever had but I can't think of anything I would rather be doing.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I've never been very good at math.  I guess that's not entirely true. I've always gotten good grades in mathematics, but it's because I worked my bum off night after night slaving over understanding those crazy number thingys.  Inevitably, after studying and struggling for days with a mathematical concept that I was beginning to feel I was incapable of solving, a lightbulb would flip on in my brain and the problems got easier.  So, math wasn't impossible for me, it just didn't come quickly or easily.

In light of that information, I guess it's no surprise that I've been struggling over a certain mathematics issue for weeks now until FINALLY the lightbulb flipped on and the answer dawned on me.

Let me start at the beginning.  A couple of months ago we  found out we were expecting baby number two.  We leaped for joy, praised Heavenly Father and I immediately set out planning and preparing for our second baby.  And then it happened, that sickly, tired stage of pregnancy set in.  I spent my days trudging after Kylea trying to keep up and usually failing miserably.  We watched lots of movies and ate lots of quick and not so nutritious foods.  Whilst in the throughs of this I realized something.  It's not going to get better when the baby comes.  Nope, I'm going to be exhausted, hormonal and physically healing for at least a month maybe two. And then once that is over, I will still have to divide my attention and love between TWO children.  Some days it's all I can do to keep up with one. How will that work?  How will this impact my ability to be a good wife to Kevin? And how will that be fair to my beloved Kylea?

When Kylea was born, I was instantly smitten. I was filled with a measure of love that I didn't even know was possible.  As she's grown, my love for her has grown as well.  I've gotten to know her personality.  We've baked cookies, read stories, snuggled under blankies while watching movies, laughed together and cried together.  For two years she's been the complete epicenter of my universe.  The idea of dividing my love and attention from her didn't feel fair and my heart has been aching over it for weeks now.  At the same time,  I realize that another one of Heavenly Father's precious children is being entrusted to my care and I want to be able to give her everything that Kylea had.  It just wouldn't be fair if I didn't.  But how is would it be possible?  I'm just one, very imperfect person.

The answer came on a cold November evening when I lay on the exam table anxiously awaiting the results of the never-ending ultrasound.   The ultrasound tech furrowed his brow and leaned forward, and pressed the ultrasound wand harder into my pregnant belly.  Each time he did Kevin and I would say, "what? what are you looking at?  Is everything ok?"  Then I would crane my neck in an attempt to see the screen.  "what?" he would reply, "oh, yes, everything is fine, just fine, looking very good this little one."  We waited anxiously as piece by piece the baby was examined until finally at the end he announced, "It's a girl!  See, there are her girl parts!" Then he handed me a handful of photos to document our first encounter with our new little girl.

"Another girl."  I thought, as I absently thumbed through the ultrasound photos.  Then I happened across this photo.

I stared at this image until I saw it, a perfect little mouth, nose and baby!  Suddenly, into my mind's eye flashed images of my little infant Kylea.  I could see her snuggled against my chest after a nice long nursing session sucking on her bottom lip and sleeping peacefully.  I felt the rush of love sweep over me as I remembered what it was like to stroke her little cheek as she slept.  Then the image shifted, now it was another sweet baby, MY baby.  All at once I wasn't afraid anymore.  In fact, I couldn't wait to do it all again.  Through God's grace I was able to transition from the idea of having another baby (which was unknown and scary) to the reality of having OUR next little girl in our arms.

 It was in that moment of love and clarity that it occurred to me that I've been thinking about this problem all wrong!  Having another child isn't about division of time and love, it's multiplication! It figures, I mixed up the operation. I can feel love and tenderness for both of my children equally because there is NO limit to the human capacity to give and receive love.  Families are divinely designed to expand and so is our capacity to love!

I'm no longer worried about Kevin or Kylea either.  Seeing Kevin be a Daddy has already multiplied my love for him and  two girls will be twice the opportunity for him to parent.  We don't have as much alone time but we enjoy our family time and cherish our alone time just that much more!  And Kylea is going to LOVE her sister, I just know it!  She will have someone to run and play with, someone to play princesses with, braid hair, share clothes, gossip about boys and argue over silly girl things.  What a blessing it will be to her to learn about sibling love and cooperation. I anticipate a multiplication of love all around!

Someday, several year down the road, I anticipate sitting with my girls at the table as they work on their math homework and inevitably the question will be raised, "When am I EVER going to use this stuff, Mom?!"  I'll just smile and say, "Study hard sweetie, you will be surprised when mathematics come in handy!"

Monday, October 22, 2012

Quest For the Perfect Pumpkin

I think 2 is the best age  yet!   I can't even describe how much I'm looking forward to this Holiday season.  We have a little one that actually gets it and appreciates the festivities.  One of my resolutions this year was to be better prepared and more enthusiastic about celebrating the Holidays.  Part of my preparation has been preparing Kylea for the events by discussing the different holidays and what's a part of them.

Apparently my strategy is working because a few days ago we all went out to dinner together.  As we sat eating and chatting all of the sudden Kylea's face lit up, she got VERY excited and she pointed across the room and shouted, "HO, HO, HO!!"  then looked at me very satisfied.  Across the crowded restaurant sat an older gentlemen who was heavier set and was sporting a somewhat impressive gray beard.  "oh yes!" I replied, "he does look an awful lot like Santa."  I hoped this would be enough and she would drop the issue. This however, was not a satisfactory response, so she kept pointing and excitedly shouting, "HO, HO, HO!!"  Through our stifled laughter we quickly packed up our leftovers and left before the gentlemen could notice that he had been identified as Santa.

Christmas is my favorite holiday and I am counting down the days until I can put up our Chrismas tree and bake every holiday goody there is. But to keep to my resolution, we can't skip Holidays so I decided that we really needed to celebrate Halloween by visiting a pumpkin patch and picking our very own pumpkin.  We live somewhat rurally and not too far from our house we noticed a sign outside of a little family farm advertising a pumpkin patch, so we decided to check it out.

I'm SO glad we did.  This farm was AWESOME! There was a hay maze, slide, farm zoo, pony rides, hay ride and an ENORMOUS pumpkin patch.  It made for a very fun Saturday.

First stop, the farm zoo complete with goats, ponies, turkeys, ducks bunnies and a llama named Daryl that gives kisses.

She was scared of the turkeys and wouldn't leave Daddy's arms

The farmer came out and gave Kylea a few huge handfuls of horse feed and Kylea got to feed the gentle ponies.  She was completely thrilled!

More feeding the ponies.

Here we are meeting Daryl the llama.  Kylea was so confused about what kind of animal Daryl was.  She kept saying, "deer??.....Horsey??"

The ponies got jealous of the llama getting attention so one of them let out a whinny.  This caused Kylea to clasp her cheeks with both hands and declare, "Oh gosh!" then she walked right up to the pony and told him to, "shhhh"  it was hilarious. 

Next was a hayride to the pumpkin patch.

cuteness on a hayride

we got to see the huge pumpkin patch, the bee farm, some horses and some sheep.

Then we grabbed our red wagon and set off to find our perfect pumpkin.

we found it, the perfect pumpkin!

Kylea found a pumpkin too!  ......a small, rotten pumpkin

She was so excited to ride back with our "punkin" as she would say.

We had such a good time!   We are going to make it a yearly tradition.  The farmer even sent us home with a souvenir duck egg, I haven't been brave enough to cook it yet. Although the farmer assured us that it would taste the same as a chicken egg.  Now we just have to carve and decorate our pumpkin, that's our FHE for tonight.