Mind control, no I don’t mean something from a sci-fi movie, I’ve been considering this verse lately in depth.
Control your thoughts because they become the words you use.
Control your words because they become the actions you perform.
Control your actions because they become the habits you acquire.
Control your habits because they become the character you reflect.
Control your character because your character becomes your destiny.
Control your destiny by becoming what your Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ want you to be.
I think of all the people that seek what their destiny is from psychics and astrologists and other methods of information which are all equally shifty. Is it really as easy as watching what you think? I say yes it is! In a positive psychology class I took at the University of Utah Professor Trisha Henry emphasized a necessity to consciously make an effort to think positively about ourselves daily. Often we are our own worst enemy slowly chipping away at our defenses and rotting our own joy, initiative, self efficacy and sense of worth with nothing more than our negative thoughts. This fact struck me; I began to think of how many times a day I think that I am ugly, or worthless in some way. Researchers suggest that these negative self bashing sessions are not just bad feelings but self fulfilling prophesies. This brings a whole new meaning to that old proverbial saying “I think, therefore I am.”
So take time everyday to love yourself. Pick one thing that you do great and praise yourself for it. Don’t go inflating your ego to the point that no one can stand you, but cut yourself a break, you deserve it!